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In the near future, I believe that you'll be able to get an advanced degree in Business Design.
Some programs like the d.school (a formative experience for me) and Rotman are playing with this idea, but I don't think these programs really nail it yet.
The educational experience would be applied and pragmatic. Classes would be harder than fluid dynamics (ok maybe not, but close). As a student you would feel as inspired and challenged as you would in the most advanced studio art class. Theory alone wouldn't cut it. If you didn't do something practical by the end of the term in each class, you would fail. We would get things done.
I think I would have achieved a 2.6 average or so coming out of it, but I'd have learned a hell of a lot. Here's an initial list of classes: BDES_Curriculum (full list after the jump)
What would you add? What would the admission requirements and pre-requisites be?
BDES 101 | Creating Options (Do Nothing)
3 credits
this core class, we’ll tackle one of the key skills of the business
designer: generating, framing and valuing strategic options. We’ll
learn idea generation techniques, portfolio comparison strategies, game
theory and dig deep into weighing options.
Act as a Business Unit president in a dynamic simulation. Create and
decide amongst many options as the context and competition changes all
around you.
BDES 102S | What is Design? (The Quest / Big D)
2 credits
This evening discussion and lecture series will challenge your notion of what design is and provoke you into articulating your own definition and why it matters.
Practicum: Declare and express your own point of view on design.
BDES 103S Critique (DTIP, Don’t Take it Personally)
2 credits
In this short-course, we’ll learn and practice the art of the crit. By the end, you’ll know how to deliver incisive evaluation without eviscerating your colleagues.
Practicum: You’ll present the practicum from one of your other classes to a panel of world-renowned designers, artists and experts for a hair-raising, heart-accelerating and eye-opening critique.
BDES 105 | Empathy, Inspiration and Alternative Data (Eyes & Ears / AltDat)
4 credits
We’ll experiment with a variety of techniques from the qualitative to the quantitative and from the abstract to the concrete. The goal will be to glean insight and translate that into action. Each session starts with students inspiring each other. By the end of each class, we’ve taken the inspiration from one particular student and acted on it together.
Practicum: A term-long project with an organization of the student’s choosing in which they bring a particular user group to life in an inspiring, strategic and action-oriented way.
BDES 111 | Entrepreneurial & Intrapraneurial Finance (FFF)
3 credits
We’ll explore the ins and outs of raising money on the external and internal markets.
Practicum: Raise money for (or bootstrap) a $25,000 venture.
BDES 121 | Experiencing Business Models (Spend & Learn)
3 credits
In this experiential survey class, we’ll experience firsthand a range of products and services delivered via a variety of business models. You’ll sign up for, use, subscribe to and buy a variety of offerings. In each class, we’ll experiment with deconstructing and reconfiguring a particular model.
Practicum: Apply a new model to an existing service or offering of your choosing.
BDES 126 | Creating Infectious Action (CIA)
3 credits
Marketing, innovation and design expert Diego Rodriguez teaches this course which is based upon the d.school class of the same name. Inspired by the theory of Chip Heath, Malcolm Gladwell and others we’ll learn to craft and convey emotional and sticky “stories” to galvanize positive change.
Practicum: Start a movement.
BDES 128 | Designing the Choice Experience (Choice Cuts)
3 credits
People make innumerable choices every day. These choices have a profound impact not only on their own experience, but also the success of a business system. We’ll explore the role and importance of competition, comparison, differentiation, merchandising, placement, f positioning, pricing, discovery, fitting and recommendations. We’ll design pricing models, recommendation systems and curated experiences for users.
Practicum: Reinvent a choice model for a particular category.
BDES 201 | Discovery Driven Learning (Break Things)
3 credits
Taught by world-renowned business design and prototyping expert Colin Raney and based upon the theory of Rita McGrath and Ian McMillian, this knee-knocking case-based course will help you master the art and science of designing growth businesses. In each class, students will be designing and preparing a discovery driven learning plan.
Practicum: Design a discovery driven learning plan in partnership with a growth business or emerging organization.
BDES 221 | Interpersonal Dynamics for Interdisciplinary Teams (Touchy Feely / IDITs)
3 credits
Based upon the oft-misunderstood course at the Stanford GSB, this facilitated “T-group” course will prepare you for direct, open, curious, in-the-moment, honest communication and feedback with people different than yourself.
Practicum: The final T-group weekend. Pack tissues.
BDES 235 | Prototyping, Piloting and Living in Beta (Mo Beta)
4 credits
We’ll prototype products, services, experiences, brands, processes and businesses. We’ll discuss what makes a great prototype, the intricacies of pilots and learn how to organize around and develop a culture of constant learning within a business or organization. (Requires a shop safety certification.)
Practicum: Prototype or pilot a new business offering or organization.
BDES 252 | Design for Branded Experience (Oohs & Aaahs)
3 credits
This class focuses on designing for user emotion with a particular emphasis on consumer branded experiences. In this class, students we’ll use various points along a user journey (learn, discover, choose, purchase, unpack, 1st use, 2nd purchase, etc.) as a source of inspiration to design delightful experiences.
Practicum: Pick a point on a consumer journey and design a much more delightful experience.
BDES 253 | Design for Emotional Connection (Not Ads)
3 credits
This class focuses on designing for user emotion with a particular emphasis on consumer branded experiences that are tailored. In this class, students will design brands, awareness/ relevance campaigns and learning strategies using the full-range of mediums and technologies.
Practicum: Design and express an ongoing connection strategy for a start-up or established company.
BDES 260 | Design for Systems and Interfaces (Faces & Faces)
3 credits
This class will focus broadly on the design of complex systems with a particular emphasis on how technology and people interact at scale. We’ll explore visualizing systems, piloting systems, failure modes (e.g., Normal Accidents) and designing systems for resiliency and change.
Practicum: Redesign a governmental agency or municipality.
BDES 262 | Experience Engineering (Disney for Dummies)
4 credits
We’ll take a process-focused look at the delivery of great experiences, especially services. We’ll consider techniques for modeling and simulating these systems at the micro and macro levels.
Practicum: Design and simulate a new retail format.
BDES 266 | Organizational Design and Culture (Charts & Farts)
3 credits
We’ll explore different traditional and emerging organizational designs. We’ll focus on designing organizations for positive culture, elegance and effectiveness.
Practicum: Redesign the Business Design department or a partner organization of your choosing.
BDES 272 | Designing for Sustainability (More with Less)
3 credits
We’ll explore how to serve the needs of people and organizations better while simultaneously using less stuff and energy. We’ll explore the behaviors and mindset shifts needed to reduce impact. We’ll learn how to conduct a lifecycle and impact analysis, make materials choices and design for things to last a long, long time. The course will have a particular emphasis on how existing business systems can or will be disrupted by new offerings that have less impact.
Practicum: Attempt to re-design an experience, business or organization for zero impact.
BDES 301S | Leading Innovation (Pipe Dream)
2 credits
This evening discussion and lecture series will explore how to encourage, motivate, reward and build a culture of innovation. We’ll hear firsthand accounts from leaders who have tackled innovation in their organizations.
Practicum: Declare your personal point of view on leading innovation.
BDES 305 | Designing Innovation Strategy (Fun & Profit)
3 credits
Tailoring the right approach to innovation is critical for very organization. In this class, we’ll learn the components of an innovation strategy and design appropriate systems and portfolio approaches that reinforce corporate strategy, growth, capabilities and innovation.
Practicum: Design and communicate an innovation strategy and portfolio for a partner organization or company.