(Thanks to brontedigital. And the dog? Who knows?)
I woke up this morning thinking about risk, innovation, growth, long-term growth gaps and near-term success. I thought about the adage "pigs get slaughtered" and it occurred to me that deer in headlights get run over.
(Thanks T Hall, sorry deer.)
Companies and leaders, the ones that are interested in doing something better, are out there making investments, learning, experimenting and setting themselves up for the next round of growth. I know because I get to work with them.
If you believe there will be a future, then betting on the future makes sense. Now is not only as good a time as ever, it's an even better time. The opportunity costs are lower. The cost of acquiring capabilities are lower. The constraints are inspiring and force you to build and do rather than ponder and strategize.
So as I'm apt to do when I want to feed my insatiable desire for confirming evidence and like-minded perspectives, I went looking for some and saw this. Nice rundown.